Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Final Statistics

As many of you know, the stats has been a major headache with the company that we have used for about 5 years has gone through some growing pains during their upgrading to a new system and server.  My hope is that in the future, all this will be alleviated and statistics will be able to be made readily available after ballgames and possibly (with a live wifi connection) live stats during our contests.  I will be releasing via e-mail stats to the football players on the team.  If anyone else reads this blog and would like an e-mailed copy of the stats, please e-mail jmiller@hamptonhawks.us and I will do my best to get them to you.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

First week of the Season

The Hampton Hawks have been working hard this first week.  With the team that we have, a lot of players are learning to play multiple positions however through 7 practices, the coaching staff is quite pleased with the progress that has been made.  Things will pick up this evening with a short scrimmage.  Next week will consist of spending more time focusing on the defensive side of the ball, special teams, and possibly the addition of a few more offensive wrinkles.  Thanks for your support in reading this post as well as the rest of the blog.

Coach Miller

Friday, July 20, 2012

Preseason Schedule

Not only am I sending a copy of this document home with each player tonight, I'm posting it on the blog so that everyone can have access to it.  Please read below for dates and times of upcoming events.

Hampton Hawks Football Schedule

Conditioning Week:  July 30th through August 3rd
            Monday: 7AM at the Aurora Pool, van leaves from Hampton 6:40am
            Tuesday:  5AM at practice field
            Wednesday:  5AM at the practice field
            Thursday:  5Am at the practice field
            Friday:  5AM at the practice field

                        Need to be ready to go and at least 10 minutes early for all sessions.  We are limited to 1 hour for workouts this week by the NSAA. 

First Week of Practices:  August 6th through August 10th
            Monday, August  6th                         2 practices 6-8 AM and 9-10:45 AM!
Tuesday, August 7th                        1 practice starting at 6 AM
Wednesday, August 8th             2 practices 6-8 AM and 9-10:45 AM! FULL PADS!
Thursday, August 9th                        1 practice at 6 AM
Friday, August 10th                          2 practices 6 AM @ THE POOL & 7PM SCRIMMAGE
Would like to hold short scrimmage/parents meeting on Friday Aug 10th at 7pm.  

Second Week of Practices:  Anticipate a very similar schedule to the first week. 

Practice times may change, as coach I will do my best to inform all players in advance at prior practices or via text messages.  For the most up to date scheduling, please go to the Hampton Hawks Football Blog and look at the calendar.  The address for the blog is:

Questions or concerns?  Please contact Coach Miller via the blog, e-mail, or call/text. 

Coach Miller

Monday, July 2, 2012

Speedball/Makeup Lifting Sessions

There will be Speedball this Tuesday starting at 7:00pm on the game field.  This has become a tradition at Hampton and the hope is that it provides our players a chance to condition, have some fun, and compete which are all things that we hope to improve upon as the season approaches.  This is by no means, a mandatory event, but it would be nice to have a good showing of players there to better the competition.  Following Speedball (approximately 8:00 pm), the weight room will be open for people to make up a weight lifting session that they may have missed, hopefully, quite a few players will take advantage of this opportunity. 

Don't forget, our own Football Camp/Clinic week starts on Monday, July 16th and will run all week from 7:30pm-9:00pm.  Hopefully the heat will not be too bad by that time of night. 

Bearcat Camp is Complete!

The Hampton Hawks had a very successful football team camp down in Maryville, Missouri. Our youth and inexperience showed throughout many of our scrimmages but we seemed to get better as we got through camp.  There were some very impressive bright spots that we as coaches were able to see.  There is a lot of potential for this group to succeed.  The only thing missing at this point is game experience and that will have to wait till August. 

Camp did come with a few injuries but none were too major.  It is important that we continue our strong work ethic in the weight room to help eliminate any long-lasting or season-ending injuries.  The more that we are able to train our bodies and our muscles to deal with contact, the better they will recover after practices and games. 

Once again, I was very pleased with the effort and attitude of every player that attended football camp in Missouri.  Just like last, I'm very confident that this was not only a camp to become better individual players, but allowed our team to begin to mesh and bond together to form an actual TEAM! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Team Camp is a little over a week away!

I really hope that everyone has started their summer off with some enjoyable down time.  Congrats to those that have already made the commitment to get to the weight room and improve your strength and skill.  I will be in touch with those that haven't in the near future.  I also have a few more camp forms that I need to collect by this friday, June 15th!

Concerning camp, we will try and check out equipment on Monday evening (June 18th) next week so we are ready to go to camp and have some time to make sure the equipment fits and properly fits.  I hope to start checking out equipment around 5 PM and going until about 7PM.  If this time, please contact me with another time.  I will be in Iowa for part of next week so I'd like to take care of equipment sooner rather than later.

Lastly, I thought I would share a link to a story on NWMSU camps.  They just finished the "big school" camp.  Please read and understand that as a player, this is a great opportunity to get noticed and be on the recruiting radar for a pretty good football program.  Here's the link 

Looking forward to camp!

Coach Miller

Friday, May 25, 2012

Hampton Booster Days 3 on 3 Tournament

As a fundraiser for the Hampton Hawks Football Program, we will be hosting a 3 on 3 tournament during Hampton Booster Days.  It would be nice to see a large number of our players particpate and help out in coordinating the event.  If you would like to help out, please let Coach Miller know ASAP by e-mailing or texting him.

If you are interested in participating and have a team figured out, CLICK HERE to get to the registration form, print it out, and return it to Coach Miller by Friday June 9th with the entry fee.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Summer Weights Schedule

I have recieved a lot of questions lately from players and from a few parents.  Listed below is a list of when the weight room will be open this summer.  There will be other sessions that will likely be added but these are the "for sure" sessions that we have so far.  If you have questions, please leave comments below or call, text, or e-mail me.

Starting on Monday, June 4th there will be two sessions  6:00-8:00 AM and 5:30-6:30 PM.  These sessions will be the same time all summer long on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  The only day I know that it will not be held during that time is on Wednesday, July 4th.  I may add more to this post as we get closer to the start of summer weights.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Motivation Video: Uncomfortable or Exhausted

Here is a video that I had shared with me from another coach.  Players please watch this as we prepare for summer workouts.  Your actions this summer will determine our success next fall.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Welcome to the Hampton Football Blog

Welcome to the Hampton Football blog, as coach, I am going to try and use this blog in order to better communicate with parents and patrons in and out of season.  I have quite a few ideas for this blog but please be patient as I get things situated the way that I would like them.  One of my main goals was to find a place to post a calendar of upcoming events and I was able to embed one of my google calendars into this blog which should help me keep everyone updated.  If you have questions or comments, please feel free to leave them as I will be able to look at them.  If you have ideas or things that you would like me to try and implement into this blog that would be helpful, please share those as well.  I look forward to using this quite a bit.  Thanks,

Coach Miller