Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Team Camp is a little over a week away!

I really hope that everyone has started their summer off with some enjoyable down time.  Congrats to those that have already made the commitment to get to the weight room and improve your strength and skill.  I will be in touch with those that haven't in the near future.  I also have a few more camp forms that I need to collect by this friday, June 15th!

Concerning camp, we will try and check out equipment on Monday evening (June 18th) next week so we are ready to go to camp and have some time to make sure the equipment fits and properly fits.  I hope to start checking out equipment around 5 PM and going until about 7PM.  If this time, please contact me with another time.  I will be in Iowa for part of next week so I'd like to take care of equipment sooner rather than later.

Lastly, I thought I would share a link to a story on NWMSU camps.  They just finished the "big school" camp.  Please read and understand that as a player, this is a great opportunity to get noticed and be on the recruiting radar for a pretty good football program.  Here's the link 

Looking forward to camp!

Coach Miller