Monday, October 28, 2013

Season Wrap-Up information 10/28/13

It has been a while since I've posted and I apologize for my absence.  With the increase in FFA contest activity as well as the government shut-down put a few more things on my place and some priorities had to be adjusted.

First of all, I"m very proud of the efforts of the young men as we completed the remainder of the season.  The season may not have produced a lot of victories on the scoreboard, but a lot of improvements were made throughout the year and some individual students-athletes were thrown in to various situations and had to learn on the fly.  I will likely post more later but I wanted to relay some information right away.

We will be having a meeting after school today in the Ag room to cover a few of these topics.  One of the things that will be discussed include equipment check-in.   I would like to get as much checked in this week as possible.  One of the things that will help make check-in go smoothly, please bring ALL of your equipment at one time for check-in.  It makes it a challenge for us as coaches if someone brings us their helmet one day, 1 knee pad the next, one jersey, etc.  Please gather all the equipment so that we can get everything checked off at one time.

Upcoming posts will include Hudl usage, obtaining copies of films, highlights, off-season work-out requests.

Have a great day and thanks for all of the support from parents and others during the season.

Joel R. Miller